
Our Promise to You

As we are aware of the repercussions of gluten intake for those with coeliac disease, we are committed to ensuring all our products are truly Gluten Free and safe for our customers.

To ensure this, our products are laboratory tested annually for the presence of gluten, in accordance with EU Directive. The directive states that in order for you to call yourself a ‘Gluten Free’ manufacturer products must be tested and be below 20 ppm (parts per million) gluten. The lab that we work with use testing equipment that is sensitive to below 5ppm gluten, meaning that we can assure our customers that cross contamination is extremely unlikely.

The premises we work in is also very much Gluten Free, as we have a strict policy of not having ‘offending’ gluten items on site which could contaminate our products, and ensure that all staff eat only gluten free products during the working day to avoid any possibility of contamination.